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5 Steps to Getting Your Real Estate School Found on Google
Have you ever wondered why certain websites show up when you search for certain things in Google? It’s not by accident. Learn how to optimize your site for the right keywords and grow your school in the process.
Preparing Students for Real Estate Career Success with Microlearning
Preparing students to pass the state exam is different than preparing them to be successful real estate agents. Learn how microlearning can help you create a valuable relationship with your students by preparing them for both.
How to Attract and Keep Quality Real Estate Instructors
Your school might be having trouble finding and keeping quality instructors. If so, you’re not alone. In this article, you'll find tips that can help you hire and retain quality real estate instructors for your school.
Is There a Place for Microlearning in Real Estate Instruction?
Microlearning is the idea of breaking large, complicated curriculum into smaller bite-sized pieces. Is this just the latest fad in professional education, or could microlearning revolutionize the way we teach in the real estate education industry?
How to Use Technology to Test Comprehension in the Real Estate Classroom
Some students simply won't participate in classroom discussion. As an instructor, that can make it difficult to determine if they're understanding what you're trying to teach. In this article we explore strategies for using technology to get students involved and make comprehension testing easy and more enjoyable.