
At Dearborn, we are dedicated to supporting instructors with top-tier resources
For most of the books we offer, you can receive PIN access to Instructor Resources after placing your orders, to seamlessly integrate a variety of teaching aids into your classes. Resources can vary by title, and include any combination of the following
PowerPoint presentations
Timed course and lecture outlines
Learning Objectives
Exams with answer keys
Case studies, discussion topics, and class activity suggestions
Content Updates/Errata files
To access Instructor Resources, contact our Customer Service team at 888-562-3129 or email reorders@dearborn.com, and request your PIN access code.
Teaching Techinques
If you need to fulfill 4 hours of teaching techniques for continuing education—specifically tailored to satisfy requirements for real estate school instructors—or are looking for instructor professional development opportunities, Dearborn has not one but two solutions for you. Two courses are designed specifically for instructor training for both new and experienced instructors.
These courses are offered for sale through dearborn.com, instead of student-facing Dearborn partner REcampus portals. Whether you want to focus on learning teaching techniques for live classroom instruction or concentrate on preparing for virtual, live online instruction, Dearborn has you covered.
To purchase, follow these instructions:
Click the link below.
Select Purchase Your Course.
At purchase, create a profile.
When you are ready to take the course, click the link below, and use your credentials to log in and access your course.
Teaching Techniques Online Video Course v2.0
Learning doesn’t just happen in a physical classroom. Virtual methods, such as live online classrooms, have become even more popular over the last few years. This 4-hour video course is specifically developed to give current and aspiring real estate instructors the tools they need to engage students effectively in a virtual classroom setting.
Teaching Techniques Online Video Course v1.0
This 4-hour video course provides instructional techniques coursework targeted toward live in-person classroom instruction for current or aspiring real estate instructors. It is taught by veteran instructor Marie S. Spodek, CDEI, who was a recipient of the Real Estate Educators Association’s Jack Wiedemer Distinguished Career Award.
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